HTML Interview Questions


Q.1 What is HTML ?

Ans.  HTML is a hyper-text-markup language. Which is used developed web pages and web based application.

 Q.2 What is meant by hyper-text and markup language?

 Ans. Hyper-text means, A text with in link and Markup-language means defines the tags used in the document.

Q.3 Differences between tag and elements ?

  Ans. HTML tag is like a opening and closing entity ex. <p> and </p>, where elements have opening, closing and content ex.<p>some content goes here</p>.

Q.4 What is hyperlink  and how to create?

 Ans. Hyperlink means, we can jump, one webpage to another webpage. We can create hyperlink by using anchor tag.

 Q.5 How many types of heading in html ?

 Ans. there are the six heading in html, h1 to h6.

Q.6 Types Of List ?

Ans. There are the three type of lists.

i) Ordered List

ii) Unordered List

iii) Definition List

Q.7 What is Block line and Inline elements ?

Ans. Which elements always start with new line known as block line elements.ex. <div> <p>. Which elements never start with new line known as Inline elements. ex. <span>, <a>.

Q.8 What is meta data ? 

Ans. Meta data means data about data (DAD). <meta> tag is specify the page description, character set, author of the document. <meta>tag write the inside html head tag.

Q.9 What is div tag and span tag ?

 Ans. Div tag is work as a container for html  elements or group of other html tag. Div tag is block level elements and easy to styling by using id and class attribute.Span tag is a inline tag, span tag is  use for styling purpose.

Q.10 What is <!DOCTYPE HTML> ?

Ans. doctype html, describe the information about the html page and given information to browser, to identify which version.

 Q.11 How to create a nested webpage ?

Ans. A nested web page represent,  a webpage within webpage by using <iframe> tag.

Q.12 What is a responsive website ? 

 Ans. Responsive website  mean looking good on all devices like pc, tablets, smartphones. Working properly and give response a specific time or fast not take longer time for loading webpages.

Q.13 Which code using in html for white space  ?

Ans. &nbsp (non breaking space) is used for white space.

 Q.14 What is empty elements ?

 Ans. Which elements no have any content knows as empty elements, ex. <br>, <hr> etc.

 Q.15 please give html tag example for separate a section of texts ?

Ans. <br>, <p> etc.


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